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Prepare for job interviews by focusing on your strengths to give you a competitive edge and show the interviewer why you are a good fit for the role. Understanding your unique qualities and articulating them effectively increases your confidence and improves your chance of landing the job.

Read the tips for your most significant DISC traits and note which ones you want to remember or practice for future job interviews.

DISC Interview Tips

  1. Be prepared to sell yourself and your qualifications. High dominance individuals tend to be confident and assertive, so use this to your advantage by highlighting your strengths and experiences.
  2. Be aware of your body language. High dominance individuals may come across as intimidating or overbearing if they are not aware of their nonverbal cues. Make sure to maintain good eye contact, smile, and use open body language.
  3. Be prepared to answer questions about how you handle conflict or difficult situations. High dominance individuals may be seen as confrontational, so it’s important to have examples of how you handle conflicts in a professional manner.
  4. Show how you can work well within a team. High dominance individuals may be seen as overly assertive, so it’s important to demonstrate how you can work well within a team and be a strong team player.
  5. Be open to feedback and be willing to adapt your approach. Even if you are confident in your abilities, it’s important to be open to feedback and willing to adapt your approach to fit the needs of the company.
  6. Be aware of your tone of voice and the way you phrase things. High dominance individuals may come across as intense if they’re not careful with how they phrase things and the tone of their voice.

As a High D personality, you excel in fast-paced environments where results are the top priority. To ensure career satisfaction and success, it’s crucial that the role you apply for aligns with your strengths and the corporate culture values your driven and results-oriented approach. Embrace your unique abilities and let your natural style shine in your zone of genius – you will excel and be valued for being authentic.

  1. Be confident and expressive. Low dominance individuals tend to be more humble, so it’s important to show confidence and express your strengths during the interview.
  2. Be prepared to speak about your accomplishments. Low dominance individuals tend to be more reserved and may not naturally highlight their accomplishments, so be prepared to speak about your accomplishments during the interview.
  3. Show your ability to work well in a team. Low dominance individuals tend to be team-oriented, so be prepared to give examples of how you have worked well in a team in the past.
  4. Show your willingness to learn and grow. Low dominance individuals tend to be open to learning and growing, so be prepared to discuss your professional development goals and how you plan to continue learning and growing in your career.
  5. Show your ability to think critically. Low dominance individuals tend to be analytical and thoughtful, so be prepared to give examples of how you have used critical thinking in the past to solve problems or make decisions.
  6. Be a good listener. Low dominance individuals tend to be good listeners, so be prepared to actively listen to the interviewer and respond thoughtfully to their questions.
  7. Show your ability to adapt and be flexible. Low dominance individuals tend to be adaptable and open to change, so be prepared to give examples of how you have adapted to changes in the past.

As a Low D personality, you thrive in a more collaborative and supportive work environment. It’s important to seek out opportunities that allow you to utilize your strengths, such as strong interpersonal skills and a focus on teamwork. When you find a company culture that values these traits, you will be able to excel and feel fulfilled in your role. Embrace your natural style and let it guide you to your zone of genius, where you can make a positive impact through your collaborative approach.


  1. Be enthusiastic and confident. High influencing individuals tend to be confident and enthusiastic, so let that energy show in your interview.
  2. Show your social skills. High influencing individuals tend to be sociable and enjoy working with others, so highlight your social skills and your ability to build relationships.
  3. Use storytelling to illustrate your qualifications and experience. High influencing individuals tend to be good at communicating and connecting with others, so use storytelling to illustrate your qualifications and experience in a way that will engage the interviewer.
  4. Show your creativity and problem-solving skills. High influencing individuals tend to be creative and enjoy solving problems, so highlight any experiences or accomplishments that demonstrate these skills.
  5. Be open and flexible. High influencing individuals tend to be open-minded and adaptable, so be open to discussing different options and perspectives.
  6. Show your ability to work well in a team. High influencing individuals tend to be team-oriented, so show your ability to work well in a team and to lead others.
  7. Be open and honest about your goals and aspirations. High influencing individuals tend to be open and direct, so be open and honest about your goals and aspirations and how they align with the company’s mission and vision.

As a High I personality, you bring energy, enthusiasm, and a people-oriented approach to everything you do. When searching for a new role, it’s important to find an environment that values these qualities and allows you to connect with others. Look for a company culture that appreciates your interpersonal skills and outgoing nature. By embracing your natural style and tapping into your zone of genius, you will thrive in a role where you can make a positive impact through your infectious energy and passion for people.

  1. Be prepared and organized. Low influencing individuals tend to be well-prepared and organized, so be sure to come to the interview with a copy of your resume, references, and any relevant work samples.
  2. Practice interview questions. Low influencing individuals tend to present themselves best when they’ve had a chance to think through answers to questions. Make sure you practice what you want to say in advance to common interview questions.
  3. Show your ability to work independently. Low influencing individuals tend to be self-motivated, so be prepared to give examples of how you have worked independently in the past and how you are able to manage your own workload and projects.
  4. Show your ability to think, listen and ask questions. Low influencing individuals tend to be thoughtful listeners, so be prepared to listen carefully and ask relevant and powerful questions that let the interviewers know how insightful and observant you are.
  5. Show your ability to work well under pressure. Low influencing individuals tend to be dependable and able to handle pressure, so be prepared to give examples of how you have handled difficult or stressful situations in the past.
  6. Highlight your strengths in creative ways. Low influencing individuals tend to avoid the spotlight, so think of creative ways to highlight your strengths. Ideas include putting together a beautiful portfolio displaying your work, writing a song, taking some photographs, or doing a relevant project to the position ahead of time.
  7. Show your ability to take direction and work well with a team. Low influencing individuals tend to be good at following direction, so show your ability to work well with a team and to take direction from others.

As a Low I personality, you excel in roles that require focus, precision, and a more reserved approach. When considering new job opportunities, it’s important to seek out a corporate culture that values these traits and allows you to work in a focused and orderly manner. Embrace your natural style and find your zone of genius in a role where you can excel through your attention to detail and ability to work independently. Your strengths will be valued and appreciated in a workplace that aligns with your approach.

  1. Be prepared and organized. High steadiness individuals tend to be organized and planful, so be sure to come to the interview prepared and organized with a copy of your resume, references, and any relevant work samples.
  2. Be consistent and reliable. High steadiness individuals tend to be consistent and reliable, so be sure to follow through on any commitments or actions that you agree to during the interview.
  3. Be patient and take your time. High steadiness individuals tend to be deliberate and thoughtful, so be patient and take your time answering questions and responding to prompts.
  4. Show stability and dependability. High steadiness individuals tend to be stable and dependable, so highlight any experiences or accomplishments that demonstrate these traits.
  5. Show your commitment. High steadiness individuals tend to be committed, so express your interest and enthusiasm for the position and the company.
  6. Show that you have a good understanding of the company and the position. High steadiness individuals tend to be well-informed and thoughtful, so show that you have done your research and have a good understanding of the company and the position.
  7. Show your ability to work well with others. High steadiness individuals tend to be team-oriented, so show that you have experience working well with others and can be a valuable team member.

As a High S personality, you bring a strong sense of stability and a focus on details to everything you do. When seeking a new job, it’s important to find a corporate culture that values these qualities and allows you to work in a supportive and structured environment. Look for a role that aligns with your strengths, such as your ability to follow established procedures and maintain a consistent pace. By tapping into your zone of genius and embracing your natural style, you will thrive in a role where you can make a positive impact through your attention to detail and stability.

  1. Show your flexibility and adaptability. Low steadiness individuals tend to be adaptable and open to change, so be prepared to discuss how you have handled change or uncertainty in the past and how you are open to taking on new challenges.
  2. Show your ability to think on your feet. Low steadiness individuals tend to be able to think quickly and react well to new and unexpected situations, so be prepared to give examples of how you have handled unexpected challenges in the past.
  3. Show your ability to work well under pressure. Low steadiness individuals tend to be able to handle pressure and thrive in fast-paced environments, so be prepared to give examples of how you have handled difficult or stressful situations in the past.
  4. Show your willingness to take risks. Low steadiness individuals tend to be open to taking risks and trying new things, so be prepared to discuss how you have handled risks or challenges in the past and how you are open to taking on new challenges in the future.
  5. Make sure you stay on topic when you answer interview questions. Low steadiness individuals tend to have an expansive mind that connects disparate topics. This is a great skill, and it’s important to stay on topic when answering questions during an interview.
  6. Show your ability to think strategically. Low steadiness individuals tend to be visionary, so be prepared to give examples of how you have thought strategically in the past, and how you can apply that ability to the role you are interviewing for.

As a Low S personality, you excel in environments that value flexibility, creativity, and a forward-thinking approach. When exploring job opportunities, it’s important to find a company culture that aligns with these strengths and allows you to work in an adaptive and innovative manner. Embrace your natural style and find your zone of genius in a role that encourages growth and change. Your ability to think outside the box and embrace new ideas will be valued and appreciated in a workplace that aligns with your approach.

  1. Show your attention to detail. High compliance individuals tend to be detail-oriented, so be sure to give specific examples and be able to back up your qualifications and experience with concrete details.
  2. Show your reliability and responsibility. High compliance individuals tend to be reliable and responsible, so highlight any experiences or accomplishments that demonstrate these traits.
  3. Show your ability to follow rules and procedures. High compliance individuals tend to be rule-abiding, so show your ability to follow rules and procedures and to understand and respect company policies.
  4. Show your ability to work independently. High compliance individuals tend to be self-motivated, so show your ability to work independently and to take initiative.
  5. Show your ability to meet deadlines and to be punctual. High compliance individuals tend to be punctual and reliable, so be sure to arrive on time for the interview and be able to give examples of your ability to meet deadlines.
  6. Show your ability to take direction and to work well with a team. High compliance individuals tend to be good at following direction, so show your ability to work well with a team and to take direction from others.
  7. Show your commitment to learning and growth. High compliance individuals tend to be dedicated to learning and growing, so be prepared to discuss your professional development plans and how you are constantly seeking to improve your skills and knowledge.

As a High C personality, you bring a strong focus on accuracy, analysis, and precision to everything you do. When considering new job opportunities, it’s important to find a corporate culture that values these traits and allows you to work in a structured and analytical manner. Look for a role that aligns with your strengths, such as your attention to detail and ability to make data-driven decisions. By embracing your natural style and tapping into your zone of genius, you will excel in a role where you can make a positive impact through your focus on accuracy and thorough analysis.

  1. Show your ability to think creatively and outside of the box. Low compliance individuals tend to be creative and independent thinkers, so be prepared to give examples of how you have come up with innovative solutions or ideas in the past.
  2. Show your ability to work well under pressure. Low compliance individuals tend to be adaptable and able to think on their feet, so be prepared to give examples of how you have handled difficult or stressful situations in the past.
  3. Show your flexibility and willingness to take risks. Low compliance individuals tend to be open to change and willing to take risks, so be prepared to discuss how you have handled change or uncertainty in the past, and how you are open to taking on new challenges.
  4. Show your ability to comply with policies when necessary. Low compliance individuals tend to be less focused on rules and processes. However, most companies want to know that you can comply with certain policies when necessary, so be prepared to give examples of how you focus on results while also respecting company processes.
  5. Show your ability to work with folks who are high compliance. Low compliance and high compliance individuals tend to have complementary skill sets. Be sure to express your appreciation and enthusiasm for team members who possess high compliance strengths and how you have worked successfully with them in the past.
  6. Show your ability to think strategically. Low compliance individuals tend to be visionary, so be prepared to give examples of how you have thought strategically in the past, and how.

As a Low C personality, you excel in environments that value creativity, intuition, and a flexible approach. When exploring job opportunities, it’s important to find a company culture that aligns with these strengths and allows you to work in a more imaginative and spontaneous manner. Embrace your natural style and find your zone of genius in a role that encourages exploration and innovation. Your ability to think outside the box and approach challenges with creativity will be valued and appreciated in a workplace that aligns with your approach.